Project Description


Datasection is a company that is expanding AI-based data analysis business globally with the aim of “enriching people’s lives.”
Since our founding in 2000, we have been developing data analysis business in various fields with strengths such as natural language processing, image processing, and voice recognition.
Currently, we focus on retail marketing and are expanding our business in 20 countries, mainly in South America.
By transforming communication between consumers and companies through data analysis, we aim to improve the quality of service of companies and enrich people’s lives.

Saiba +


FollowUP is a service that not only makes it possible to understand lost opportunities and problems by visualizing the status of offline stores such as the number of visitors and dwell time, but also improves store sales based on data.

FollowUP strongly promotes “Digital transformation” in physical stores.

Detail is here


Datasection Inc.